Tuesday, March 3, 2009

'You can't live a life without impact.'

This is one of the messages of the new book 'Handle With Care' by Jodi Picoult. I'm not selling/advocating the book, I am really interested in this thought.

As much as I have tried to personally implode into my own little world I hope that I make a good impact on the world and there is still hope that Iwill get better and I will leave my house and live a more productive life one of these days. Besides my blog, I try mostly during the day to live and not bother anyone. I wanted to help Drop-in center but my efforts seem to not have made much impact there, and I guess that's to be expected. Nothing comes easily.

Simply put: I am grateful for the impact of the lives of the bloggers and people I have met through this blog. Your lives impact me.


Mike Golch said...

I echo that sentinment!!!

JC said...

You impact us too, sweetie :)

Denise said...

We are placed here on this earth to take in and then give out...... To fill up with the spirit and give out of that spirit..... We are HIS hands and HIS feet and HIS voice of reason in a mad world........ We need only to love........ HE lives there......