Monday, November 16, 2009

My bipolar so coordinates with my cycle.

It was news to me to finally have it put in my face by my fabulous book 'A Brilliant Madness' by Patty Duke that the above statement is true for many people.

In a way, it's a no-brainer. Sure you get cranky during your cycle, that does not necessarily indicate that you are bipolar of course.

But if you are bipolar, Lord help us all when some of us get our cycles. It's already a cyclical illness and it seems that now there is scientific proof that they are linked.

In my life, it seems obvious now that it is clearly played out that way. Even when I look back on my imood - oh, tired one week, feeling great the next. Oh, they are so linked. I am nearly shocked at the obviousness of it yet how much I never really thought about it, until I read about it.

(For better clarification, scientific proof and case studies see that book 'A Brilliant Madness').


Denise said...

Bless your heart..... Us women do NOT need anything else to make us cranky! I do not know a soul that is bipolar........ soooooooo I can only sympathize with you........

Hugs coming your way.....

Wanda's Wings said...

you are so right that the hormone changes really make the bipolar worst. Hugs my friend.

Raine said...

I think that most times its easier to see patterns in someone else than it is in ourselves